The next task I propose to my students is the creation of a visual presentation about an English speaking city using Genially.

The steps to carry out this task are the following ones:

1. I establish heterogeneous groups to do the task in order to attend diversity of my pupils. The groups are of three students to facilitate cooperative learning. As the teacher, I monitor the work of the groups.

2. We establish a deadline to do the presentation of the English speaking city and we divide the work into three sessions.

3. Choose an English speaking country and a city to describe.

4. Describe the city using the vocabulary (buildings, monuments...) and the grammatical structures we have learnt (There is..., There are...). At least, you have to make 6 sentences about the city.

5. Make a draft bearing in mind the structure of the presentation, the vocabulary and the grammar, as well as the pictures you want to put in your presentation to make it more visual and attractive.

6. Show me your draft to check it.

7. Choose the modality of your Genially and make your presentation. A video presentation is recommended.

8. Rehearse your presentation.

9. Make your performance using your Genially video presentation.

10. Pay attention to your peers' presentation in order to choose the best one (coevaluation).

Although the main skill to practice is speaking with the final presentation, they develop the other three abilities: listening skill when they listen to the presentation of the rest of their peers, reading skill when they research information about the city they have choosen, and writing skills when they write their draft and their Genially video presentation.

Genially is an attractive tool to use with our students because it allows interactive presentations including pictures, videos, songs as well as texts, but also we can create games, quizzes, or infographics.

Here you can see an example of the task.
