Creating timelines of flamenco artists' lifes

 Hello everybody.

On the occasion of the celebration of the International Flamenco Day, we research personal information about some flamenco artists and we made a fantastic task. This task is aimed at students from the third cycle of Primary Education. 

The learning objectives of this activity are the following ones:

- Identify relevant information of a text.

- Appreciate our Andalusian culture.

The first step to carry out this task was thinking the name of several famous flamenco artists my students knew. Secondly, my pupils read, in groups, the biography of a flamenco artist such as Camarón de la Isla, Lola Flores, Estrella Morente, Paco Candela and Niña Pastori. Then, they answered some questions about important data about the artist such as "When was she born?" or "When did she die?" in order to guide them to identify the more relevant information of a person. Later, they had to create a timeline in their notebook to organize the life facts.

To complete this task, we used the app "Timetoast" in order to create an online timeline of each flamenco artist's life. This tool added motivation and functionality to the task for my students because it is a visual outline and we can upload pictures to facilitate comprehension. This resource is very easy to use in the classroom. However, due to the pandemic, we cannot use the ICT classroom in order to avoid share the computers among the students, so I created the timelines that my students designed in their notebooks in my computer and I added pictures with their help. For the next time, I will specific them that they have to create al least five events in the timeline because some of them did a too short timeline. The use of this app changed completely the vision of this task because they got motivated at the same time they fulfill the learning objectives of the task.

Here you are an example of the timeline designed by us with "Timetoast" app. Click here to see the timeline of Lola Flores' life: 
